


Lesson 1 Finding Fossil Man 发现化石人



1Today, we will talk about the methods available to us for learning about the distant past.


2What can you see in the picture?

Polished stone axeheads

3Listen to the text and see if you can answer the following question: (读课文)

1) Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful? 为什么口头流传的故事很有用处?

Because they tell us something about events that took place before people could write.

2) What are the methods available to us for learning about the distant past? 我们用什么方法了解远古历史

We can learn about the distant past by studying the written records of the ancient people and the legends handed down orally, as well as the stone tools of long ago.


Other comprehensive questions for you to think about: (教参 p2) 只问不答












1Finding fossil man: 寻找化石

an animal or plant that lived many thousands of years ago and that has been preserved, or the shape of one of these animals or plants that has been preserved in rock:

fossils of early reptiles

Living fossil: an ancient animal or plant that still exists and has not changed


Fossil fuel 矿物燃料

fuel such as coal or oil that is produced by the very gradual decaying of animals or plants over millions of years:

egEnvironmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by renewable energy sources

informal  an insulting word for an old person


2Preserve their history 保护,保存

to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed

preservation (n)

We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands.

think these interesting old customs should be preserved.


We must preserve world peace.



3recount it as sagas---legends handed down fro one generation of storytellers to another.

formal to tell someone a story or describe a series of events

recount how/what

Alan recounted how he and Joyce had met

She recounted her adventures.



4hand down

hand something down

to give or leave something to people who will live after you

hand something down to

The ring was handed down to her from her grandmother.

stories handed down by word of mouth



when large numbers of people go to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work

migrate v [intransitive + from/to]


6anthropologist 人类学家 anthropology 人类学

the scientific study of people, their societies, cultures etc

—anthropologist noun [uncountable]

—anthropological adjective


7Polynesian people 波利尼西亚人

Polynesiathe islands in the central and southern Pacific Ocean, including the Hawaiian islands, Tonga, Samoa, and the islands of French Polynesia



8archaeologist 考古学家archeology [uncountable] 考古学

the study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools etc

—archaeologist noun

—archaeological adjective:

An archaeological site 考古点

—archaeologically adverb


9modern man



10Flint 打火石

a type of smooth hard stone that makes a small flame when you hit it with steel


11This is easier to shape 塑型

to make something have a particular shape, especially by pressing it

shape something into something

Shape the dough into small balls.

egg-shaped/V-shaped etc

an L-shaped living room

形式主动,还有被动意义的动词:this is easier to be shaped.


This book is selling quickly.

What’s showing at cinema this week?


12have rotted away; decay 腐败,腐烂

Rot decay 都是不及物动词,可以互换

to be destroyed by a gradual natural process, or to make something do this:

Candy will rot your teeth.

The trees were cut and left to rot.

rot away

All the woodwork was rotting away.

注意:decayed 可以做形容词,如:decayed teeth

      rotted/rotten 一般作表语放在系动词之后 the banana will go rotten.


13without trace 无影无踪

disappear/vanish/sink without (a) trace (=disappear completely, without leaving any sign of what happened)

The plane vanished without a trace.