accomplish n.完成

accomplish n.完成






Monologue 1:

Listen to a talk on the Chinese moon Festival

1. The festivals dates back to the Tang Dynasty 618 A.D. and celebrates the biggest and brightest full moon of the year, the harvest moon.


date back to 追溯到


2.  Hou Yih built a beautiful jade palaces for the Goddess of the Western Heaven or sometimes called the Royal Mother.


1jade palace 翡翠宫殿

2Royal Mother 王母


3.The Goddess was so happy that she gave Hou Yih a special pill that contained the magic elixic of immortality.


the magic elixic of immortality 长生不老的灵药


4.The Moon Festival is a big holiday with family reunions, moon gazing activities, and feasting on “moon cakes” which are round pastries filled with red bean paste, fruit or jam.



Dialogue 1:

A man is making a complaint to the travel agency about his holiday in Portugal last week.

1. First of all the coach taking us to the hotel broke down and we had to wait for over two hours in the sweltering heat before a replacement arrived.



2. We were told all the chambermaids were off duty.


1on duty 值班

2) off duty 不值班


3. I’d like to offer you a 20% discount on the price of one of our autumn breaks as a gesture of goodwill.


as a gesture of goodwill 为了表示友好


4. A 20% discount, you must be joking.


be joking 开玩笑


Dialogue 2:

Wang Ling is asking Tim about how to spend the winter vocation, and they are mentioning the Chinese New Year.


1. I guess people in the countryside must still follow some traditional ways to celebrate Spring Festival that urban people no longer do.



2. It’s said, if you do any sweeping during this time, you risk sweeping away your good luck.


risk doing sth 冒险做某事

risk getting caught in a storm


3. Another one is offering sacrifice to the Kitchen God.



4. The custom is to offer a ceremonial sacrifice to the Kitchen God, to make sure that he gives a good report on the family’s behavior when he returns to heaven.



Monologue 2

Monologue 2


Monologue 2:

Listening to a talk about the Harvest Home festival in the West.

Background knowledge:

In the United States, the ancient harvest festivals of Europe helped give rise to contemporary Thanksgiving Day celebration. In parts of Germany, people march to harvest festivals carrying a harvest crown similar to the corn dolly. In France, some communities celebrate the end of the grape-picking season by holding harvest feasts.


Language Points:

1.Ancient people offered the year’s first ripe grains to the gods in thanks for the crops that would sustain their communities for the coming year.



2.Customarily, participants in the feast would make a corn dolly, a symbolic or decorative figure made of straw.



Background knowledge:

States commemorate important events:

1)  In Vermont, the Battle of Bennington is commemorated annually on August 16

2)  In Louisiana, the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8

3)  Patriot’s Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine

4)  Several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.


Language points:

1. Holiday refers to the day set apart for religious observance or for the commemoration of some extraordinary event or distinguished person.



2.Holidays are characterized by a partial or totally stoppage of work and normal business activities and are generally accompanied by public and private ceremonies, including feasting, parades and carnivals, or displays of flags and speechmaking.


be accompanied by 由某人陪伴/由某事伴随

He was accompanied by his wife.

Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain.


3. Subsequently, secular holidays commemorating historical occasions or distinguished persons outnumbered holy days, although many ancient religious rituals and customs have been carried over into modern times and incorporated into both secular and religious observations.


1) outnumber 总数上超过

The demonstrators were outnumbered by the police.

2) incorporate 将某事物包含进去,包含

Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plans.

A company incorporated in the USA 在美国新组建的公司