



英文原文:Any international transaction should start with market research. An importer/exporter must acquire good knowledge of the foreign market to which his products are to be sold so that he can trade with the customers successfully.

注释:transaction: 交易,经济业务 start with: 开始 market research: 市场调研 acquire good knowledge of…: 熟悉(的知识)(acquire: 获得,得到)foreign: 国外的,对外的 successfully: 成功地




1Seeking customers 寻找客户 (注释:seek: 寻找,寻求)

2Contact each other by sending inquiries 联系查询(注释contact: 接触,联系;inquiry: 询问,询盘)

3Status inquiry 情况查询 (注释:Status: 情形,状态)

4Quotations or offers; acceptance or non-acceptance 报价或发盘;接受或不接受报价或发盘(注释:quotation: 报价 offer: 发盘 acceptance: 接受)

5Order; contract 发送订单;签订合同 (注释:order: 订单;contract: 合同)

6Obtaining import/export license; opening L/C / receiving L/C, if any 获得进口/出口许可证;开立信用证/接收信用证 (注释:obtain: 获得,取得 L/C:信用证)

7Preparation of goods by the seller 卖方备货 (注释:preparation: 准备,预备)

8Inspection or survey of goods 检查或检验货物(注释:inspection: 检查,检验;survey: 调查,测量)

9Reserving shipping space either by the seller or buyer, depending on the trade terms. 依据贸易条款,由卖方或买方订舱。(注释:reserve shipping space: 订舱(位);trade terms: 贸易条款)

10Effecting insurance 办理保险 (注释:effect: 作用,效果,在此为“办理”之意;insurance: 保险)

11Customs clearance and loading 报关装货(注释:customs clearance: 报关,清关;loading: 装货)

12Shipping advice 装船(发货)通知

13Negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary 通过受益人议付信用证项下的出口单证。(注释:documents: 单据,单证;beneficiary: 受益人)

14Redemption of documents under L/C 赎回信用证项下单证(赎单)(注释:redemption: 赎回,偿还,履行)

15Customs clearance for import 进口报关

16Delivery of goods 交货 (注释:delivery: 交付,交递)

17Lodging and Settling claims (if any) 提出索赔/理赔 (注释:lodge: 提出 settle: 支付, 安排, 解决 claim: 要求,主张,索赔,索取)



International trade: 国际贸易

GDP (gross domestic product) 国民生产总值,国内生产总值

Industrialization 工业化

Globalization 全球化

Multinational corporation: 跨国公司

Factors of production 生产要素

Labor-intensive goods 劳动密集型产品

International finance 国际金融

Exchange rate: 外汇汇率

Transfer risk: 转让风险

Exchange controls: 外汇管制

WTO (world trade organization): 世界贸易组织

Uruguay Round: 乌拉圭回合

Multilateral trade: 多边贸易

The International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

The World Bank 世界银行

Outsourcing 外包

Trade barrier 贸易壁垒

Import duties: 进口税

Import/export license:进口/出口许可证

Import quota: 进口配额

Tariff: 关税

Non-tariff barrier: 非关税壁垒

Market research 市场调研

Offer: 发盘

Shipping space: 舱位

Customs clearance: 报关,清关

Loading: 装货

Shipping advice: 装运通知

Redemption of documents: 赎单

Delivery of goods 交货