
 Lesson 50   New Year Resolutions  新年的决心
New words and expression  生词和短语
学习词汇时仅知道汉语语义是不够的,要把单词放在语句中体会其应用 学习关键句结构是则要把它放在段落结构或文章里
1 Resolution n. the quality of being resolute,决心     
take resolution to do sth. / make up one’s mind to do sth. /
Be determined to do sth. /
Decide to do sth. n. formal decision,决议
同根词: 1. Resolve    vi . Resolve to do sth. = take resolution to do sth.
 Resolve sb. on sth.  使某人下定决心做事
--I resolved him on English study.
--Nobody resolved him on this decision.
Make a resolve to do sth.
Decide, determine, resolve都有“决定”的意思。
decide 指“经过询问、研讨和考虑之后, 在几种可能的选择之中作出决定”, 如:
She decided to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday.
determine指“决心作某一件事而不动摇”, 如:
We have determined to get the work done ahead of schedule.
resolve指“打定主意做某事或不做某事”, 如:
I resolve to study English.
2. Resolute    a.坚决的,果断的
--We must be true in word and resolute in deed.我们必须言必信,行必果.
Irresolute adj.   犹豫不决的
2 Mentally adv.  内心
3 Compile vt.编辑,编制(collect information and arrange in a book (great book/dictionary))
compile a guide book 编指导手册
compile an anthology of poems 编诗集
We are -ing an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students.
(同意词)  Edit vt .编辑(collect information and arrange in newspaper or magazine)
--The editor is busing editing the newspaper.
4 Formidable adj.  令人敬畏
a man with a formidable appearance样子可怕的人
a formidable task 难应付的工作
丰富的; 强有力的
He has a formidable knowledge of English literature.
Mr. Smith had formidable opposition to the proposal.
5 Occur  vi. Happen
--A good idea occurred to me. / It occurred to him that he should open the door.
形近词 1. Recur    vi .再发生,又出现  occur again
Happen, chance, occur, take place都含“发生”的意思。
happen为常用词语, 指“一切客观事物或情况的偶然或未能预见地发生”, 如:
The accident happened yesterday.
chance 指“偶然发生”、“碰巧”, 如:
He chanced to meet her.
occur属正式用语, 指“按计划使某事或效果发生”, 通常所指的时间和事件都比较确定, 在以具体事物、事件作主语时, 可与happen 互换, 如:
These events occurred in 1909.
take place 指“发生事先计划或预想到的事物”, 如:
The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned.
 Incur       vt.  导致,招致,造成  (=lead to / result in / give rise to / cause)
--Air pollution incurs some terrible disease.
6 Regularity  n.  规律
7 Accomplish    vt.  成功地达到目的  accomplish one’s purpose/ goal/ dream/ aim/ work/ task
--He accomplish his journey.
Accomplish, complete, finish,都含“完成”的意思。
accomplish 通常接 task, aim, journey, voyage 等名词, 有时兼有“达成(效果)”之意, 如:
The explorers accomplished the voyage in five weeks.
complete 比 accomplish 具体, 可接建筑、工程、书籍等名词, 指“按预期目的把未完成的工作经过进一步的努力使之完成”, 主要涵义是“补足缺少的部分”, 如:
The building will be completed by the end of this month.
finish 在许多情况下可与 complete 换用, 但不及 complete 正式,常含有“认真仔细地完成工作的最后阶段的精工修饰, 使之完美”的意思。 如:
I have finished the book.
同意词 1. Attain    vt.  得到,获得(经过艰苦的努力) Attain one’s ambition   Get success / attain success
Attain to  某人希望达到的成就  attain    某人已经达到的成就
--He has attained heights that I can never attain to .
--This is the height that I hope to attain to.
--This is the height that I have attained.
2. Achieve     vt.  达到一定目的时的表现及努力
--This is what he achieved after ten years of hard work.
--We always cherish(珍惜 treasure / value / prize)what we have achieved.
--I feel very happy because you accomplish your dream.
3. Accomplishment   n.  成就(主要用于修养,才艺,本领等方面的成就)
4. Achievement  n. (最通俗的说法,可代替 accomplishment)
--Such accomplishment is beyond your attainment.
--His attainment is beyond my understanding.
--His accomplishment is unexpected to me.
8 Inveterate  adj.  根深蒂固
an inveterate prejudice 根深蒂固的偏见
an inveterate disease  宿疾, 老毛病
an inveterate habit  积习
an inveterate smoker  烟瘾很大的人
inveterate hatred for the enemy   对敌人的刻骨仇恨
9  Self-improvement  n.  自我完
10 Scheme n.  简单的计
11 Ambitious adj.  雄心勃勃的  Ambition   (中性词)
--Everybody in the modern society must be ambitious.
--If you work hard, you can attain your ambition.
12 Pitfall       n.  意外的困
13 Modest      adj.  要求不过分的;谦虚的
--I make New Year resolution and I think them modest.